Thank you for purchasing tickets to 2025 Rhode Island Tog Classic.
Rules & Regulations
The Rhode Island Tog Classic is open to all who desire to enter. The Tournament director retains the right to limit the number of entrants and reserves the right to cancel the event for any reason.
A saltwater fishing license is required to fish Rhode Island Waters.
All participants are required to register online on the Tournament website ( with a link to the tournament website and submit the entry fee prior to the start of the Tournament.
Fish at your own risk. Each Angler is responsible for the well being of themselves and those they fish with. The Rhode Island Tog Classic, LLC assumes no responsibility for the conduct or safety of any boats or entrants. All participants enter the tournament at their own risk.
Adult Division (13 and older) entry fee is $ 100 per angler. Discounts available for early entry.
Jr. Angler Division - 12 and under $30 per angler. No subdivisions. A Jr. Angler may fish on a boat, on shore or in a kayak. Jr Anglers do not have to meet the 18 inch minimum but the fish must be legal in RI Regulations
Additional Food tickets are $25 each or $50 for a family.
The entry fee is nontransferable and nonrefundable
The eligible species is Tautog and the minimum size to weigh in is 18 inches.
Each Angler may only weigh ONE fish.
Winners will be determined by weight of the Qualifying Fish on a scale to be at the event provided by the Tournament director. ALL Tautog must be caught in Rhode Island Waters.
All fish remain property of the angler. Participants are responsible for the disposal of all fish and may not be disposed of at the Event site.
We will have the ability to weigh live Tog as to give the angler a chance to release the fish.
In the event of a tie, the earliest weighed and registered Qualifying Fish wins.
Time limits- lines in at sunrise Sunday October 12th and concludes with all lines out of the water at 2:00 pm EST Sunday October 12th.
All Qualifying Fish must be weighed in and registered at the Event site: The Portsmouth Portuguese American Citizens Club from 12:00pm-4:00pm EST Sunday October 12th (35 Power St, Portsmouth RI 02871)
Awards ceremony, cookout with music to follow.
The scales close at 4:00pm EST Sharp. You must be in line at the designated check area no later than 4 PM to weigh your catch.
Qualifying Fish must be caught by rod and reel only & by the angler who has paid and registered in the Tournament. The angler must hook, fight and bring the fish to the gaff, leader person or net unaided by any other person (excluding gaff person, leader person or net person).
Only one Qualifying Fish can be weighed in per angler.
If we are unable to complete the Tournament due to inclement weather, Acts of God, loss of venue or other reasons outside of our control, all prizes will be awarded randomly via a lottery of all participants involved. The Tournament director expressly reserves the right to cancel this event for these reasons and distribute funds by lottery as set forth herein.
All winners in each Division or Calcutta will be subject to a Polygraph (Lie Detector) Test. No Exceptions!
All Qualifying Fish must comply with Rhode Island State fishing regulations. Any cheating in any way will not be tolerated.
If your fish looks like it was caught by any means other than rod and reel, or if it is undersized you will be disqualified. No exceptions! The weigh master reserves the right to retain and inspect any fish that is determined questionable. If retention is refused, the fish is automatically disqualified.
All protests must be submitted verbally and in writing immediately after the Tournament Director closes the scales. The Tournament Director will hear all protests. The Tournament Director has the right to give a polygraph test to anyone in question, including any crew on the boat. If a polygraph is administered per an allegation and that allegation is deemed to be false, a $500 fine will be assessed to the accuser.
The decisions of the Tournament Director are final.
The following Divisions are established:
1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded to each. Prizes to be determined based on entries and donations of product.
-$100.00 High stakes Calcutta Individual Angler
50% of the Calcutta goes to the Largest Qualifying Fish entered in the Calcutta, 25% of the Calcutta goes to the 2nd Largest Qualifying Fish entered in the Calcutta, and 15% of the Calcutta goes to the 3rd largest Qualifying Fish Qualifying Fish entered in the Calcutta.
-$250.00 High Stakes Team Challenge (Up to 6 people per team and you must put your team name in the comments section of entry online) Total Combined weight of your team.
50% of the Calcutta goes to the Largest Qualifying Fish entered in the Calcutta, 25% of the Calcutta goes to the 2nd Largest Qualifying Fish entered in the Calcutta, and 15% of the Calcutta goes to the 3rd largest Qualifying Fish Qualifying Fish entered in the Calcutta.
-$25.00 Individual Angler
50% of the Calcutta goes to the Largest Qualifying Fish Qualifying Fish entered in the Calcutta, 25% of the Calcutta goes to the 2nd Largest Qualifying Fish entered in the Calcutta, and 15% of the Calcutta goes to the 3rd largest Qualifying Fish entered in the Calcutta.
Calcuttas must be registered online through the Tournament site no later than 6:00 PM EST on October 7, 2024.
All Participants are responsible for any taxes and fees incurred for winning any prize.
A Polygraph test may be administered to anglers who win Monetary Prizes at the
discretion of the Tournament Director or appointed committee.
Adult anglers - Food is included together with 1 raffle ticket entry into the door prize.
Youth Anglers - Food is included together with 1 door prize entry raffle ticket.
Anglers consent to photographs being taken during the Event and to remain the property of the Rhode Island Tog Classic, LLC. Parents of the youth anglers have the right to withdraw such consent.
The Tournament director reserves the right to change the rules and regulations as deemed necessary to protect the integrity of the Tournament.